Welcome to
Zoom Films!
Welcome to
Zoom Films!
Who in association with Tyme-Bubble Films,
bring you an amazing collection of strange
AI-assisted films that Zoooooommmmmmmm...!
Please keep in mind when viewing that the Midjourney AI Text-to-Image Generator
is the mighty engine behind all these creations.
We simply coax and guide Midjourney in a creative collaboration to make these amazing Zooms!
Please enjoy and we look forward to seeing your comments on our YouTube Channel!
What are
Zoom Films?
As you may have heard, Midjourney is one of the premier AI text-to-image generators out there that create fascinating images based on your prompts. And like the other AI Image Generators, Midjourney can do a "Zoom-Out" from any image you've created.
This "Zooming" may be called "Out-Painting" or "Out-Cropping" in other systems. However in Midjourney you "can Zoom-Out" over and over again!. Then it's possible to take these "Zoom" images and put them together into a truly captivating "Zoom Film" like those seen here!
Each of these Zoom Films has used Midjourney's Zoom-Out function to create a series of images that move backwards in space from a single moment in time.
We call these moments Tyme-Bubbles.
Then with some clever machinations we combine these Tyme-Bubbles to create a strip of Zooming film. Works even backwards and forwards!
It's quite astounding... Like travelling through bubbles of creative reality trapped in time!
Then we do some special movie-magic prestidigitations with a sprinkling of
digital trickery and these fun little Zoom trips are conjured!
(If you'd like to try it, we have Basic & Detailed Zoom Instructions down below!)
• Viewers who experience deep-tunnel vision are advised to really enjoy themselves.
• Viewers may be disturbed by the fact that the images are all being generated by an AI system (And look at what it's coming up with!)
• Making up your own story to a Zoom Film you make (alone or working with friends) is an extremely fun game.
* We strongly recommend watching full-screen with headphones on for the most excellent experience.
If you're diggin' it, then please Comment, Like, and Subscribe on our YouTube channel:
Here we go!!!
A forlorn woman in San Francisco has a harrowing dream....
We fly backwards through her dream down a multidimensional rabbit hole where her parallel lives are seen in five simultaneous tyme-streams.
-- Submitted to the 2024 Runway AI Film Festival --
Somewhere in Dreamland
A Lovely Ode To Being Enraptured By Movie Magic!
Tyme Warp -Reprise
An Homage to the Tymeless Masterpiece from
The Rocky Horror Picture Show!
It's astounding...!
Tyme is fleeting...!
And it gets a bit warped, especially at the end ~~~ !
A Hand-Crafted Zoom Masterpiece
(And our longest Zoom Film to date!)
Zoom Films v02-04
An early experiment with all the fantastic discoveries and flaws...
We love it! Enjoy a trip down the "Zoom Films" strip in Zoomtown...
This is the Sorenson's. The Sorenson family has been in the doll making business for over a century. Their Dukker line is world famous for its strange hand-crafted dolls.
Who might have bought these enigmatic
Dukker dolls from the exclusive Sorenson line?
-- New Trip03 Zoom and new sound design --
The Sorenson's Parallel Universe
-- Same sound design* as THE DOLLMAKER Trip01,
but with new Trip02 Zoom --
* let's say similar...
Who might have bought these enigmatic
Dukker dolls from the exclusive Sorenson line?
-- Same visuals as THE DOLLMAKER Trip03,
but with a new sound design --
Who might have bought these enigmatic
Dukker dolls from the exclusive Sorenson line?
- Same visuals as THE DOLLMAKER Trip03,
but with another sound design -
Who else might be a customer of these Dukker dolls?
Time-Slip Version!
Starts off the same as Trip03/Track05 but at some point
it takes a new visual path... See if you can find where they split!
- New Trip04 Zoom after Time-Slip
and re-using Track05 sound design -
The Sorenson's were a successful global company.
Where else would you find these magnificent dolls?
- New Trip05 Zoom and re-using Track04 sound design -
The Sorenson's were a successful global company.
Where else would you find magnificent dolls?
- Same Trip05 Zoom and re-using Track05 sound design -
THE DOLLMAKER prompt: On kodacolor gold 200 a 1957 man in his living room has a tiny devil on his left shoulder and a tiny angel on the right shoulder both whisper into his ears he is very confused as his wife stands in the background --s 250
Angels & Demons Series
Angels & Demons
Where Are Your Angels... When You Live With Your Demons?
Angels & Demons
Where Are Your Angels... When You Live With Your Demons?
-- Same Trip01 Zoom but with yet another sound design --
Angels & Demons
Where Are Your Angels... When You Live With Your Demons?
- Same Trip01 Zoom but with a new sound design -
Angels & Demons
Are You My Angel?
Angels & Demons prompt: On kodacolor gold 200 in a 1957 living room a little toy demon sits on the right shoulder of an angry man and a little toy angel sits on his left shoulder --s 250 --v 6.0 --style raw
There once was a time when the competition to create the world's first Mechanical Cicada was in high swing
in laboratories around the world...
"It is the perfect machine made by nature that man can not improve upon." - E. M. Forster
(All sounds are live-recordings of cicadas from around the world)
Need Human Female Conscripts
Seventh Moon
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
A Stolen Hoverbike Gets Away!
WATE (wait/weight)
The weight of waiting...
Timmy wants a Raygun
The Technodyne Zoom Camera circa 1967 could only be found in Taiwan.
Although the technology was way ahead of its tyme, tourists to Taiwan never seemed to understand the meaning of such incredible zoom power. Or the slightly steep price-tag. Consumer sales never took off.
Eventually Technodyne ran out of money and their amazing zoom camera technology has faded into obscurity... (or has it?)
Gothic EDM Nightmares
"What is it trying to say?"
"WHat's iT trYinG To Say?"
"Who You R"
THE TIDEX MODRE prompt: A close up of a 3D film title in the middle of the frame in the style of the Rocky Horror Picture Show poster with the text "Tyme-Warp Reprise" --ar 16:9 --s 1000 --style raw --v 5.2
Please Comment, Like, and Subscribe on our YouTube channel:
And/or send us an email - Connect with Zoom Films! ->
Please check out these Basic & Detailed Zoom Instructions
Basic Zoom Instructions
from the ZøøM Laboratory
Welcome! We'd really love it if you like to try some of this Zooming yourself with Midjourney!
So here are some Basic Zoom Instructions (More Detailed Zoom Instructions further down)
We suggest starting with a simple image to test on. Preferably something 3D looking.
{We haven't been able to do much good zoomin'-out with those more painterly 2D images in Midjourney, but feel free to explore and experiment. And let us know what kind of art you discover!}
So 3D looking (three-dimensionality) images seem to work the best for a Zoom. Doesn't have to be realistic. It can be graphics, logos, titles, anything 3D-ish.
So first, as you may have guessed, you will need to coax a favourable image from the Midjourney genii.
Then once you've found a good image to test out, select that image by using the appropriate
Once that excellent choice of yours lands at the bottom to "Upscale",
examine all the adjustment controls that appear for this chosen image.
...you'll notice that three of these buttons are all about Zooming
[You may be wondering about why there are no "Zoom-In" buttons...???
Please see the Custom Zoom Updates appendix in the Detailed Zoom Instructions below.]
For the time-being, we suggest using either the preset Zoom-Out 2x or Zoom-Out 1.5x buttons exclusively.
Then all you need to do is pick a beauty and Zoom-Out. . . !
As many of you know, each time you Zoom-Out, Midjourney will gift you with four new variations, with a slightly different look within each incoming reality.
Once again, choose your favourite image by using And Zoom-Out again!
It's really fun, so keep on going! See where your diffusions takes you!
< And repeat as long as you think you, or the Midjourney bot, are cool... >
Remember that even after you've done a handful of enterdirected zooms, the Midjourney AI generator is entirely making up this incoming world. However you must still guide it through your Zoom choices.
As you'll find, some Zooms don't always stay interesting. That's perfectly all right. Keep on experimenting. You will also find that some of your Zooms will be astonishing... So keep on exploring!
Finally, once you've saved a collection of Zoomed-Out images, there are many ways to combine these into a "moving" Zoom. Find a solution that works for you.
For those seeking some possible hints, you'll find suggestions in the Detailed Zoom Instructions (See be... you know)
And if you’d like to have your Zoom film posted on our Zoom Films channel, we'd love to take a look!
Please email us with requests. Know that our managers will curate all the content selected.
Connect with Zoom Films! >
So really enjoy yourself Zooming-Out! We look forward to seeing some of your fascinating creations soon!
Although Midjourney is the engine behind nearly all current Zoom Films, the human EnterDirecting is important too.
As many of you know, any image that "Zooms-Out" is going to need more visual information outside of that frame.
Again, here are your button choices in the current versions of Midjourney:
For example, if you use the Zoom-Out 1.5x function the AI-diffusion system will need to create one-and-a-half times, or 50% more visual information outside of your frame. A Zoom-Out 2x will need to create two-times more image.
You could possibly use the Custom Zoom to dial anywhere from 1.00000001x to 2x. But why? We do not know. When making Zoom videos we like to work quickly. We just go with the defaults. We get the difference, but just want to get diffusing.
(See Custom Zoom Update below) Please play around with it and let us know what you come up with!
Now if you're familiar with using Midjourney, then you know some weird stuff is going to show up sometimes. The less you Zoom-Out, the more likely your new framing will stay coherent to your original image. The more you Zoom-Out, the weirder it might get!
It's your choice how much to Zoom. But we highly recommended that you stay consistent in the Zoom x for each path you follow.
Whatever your Zoom x choice, Midjourney will be riffing off the look of your first image. Let's say you decide to go with a Zoom-Out 1.5x on your image. As mentioned, the system will then diffuse 50% more outer-reality as it pushes out the edges of the frame. And then Midjourney will kindly offer you four different summonings for what may be subtle (or strange!) differences in that reality.
More than likely, you will be quite excited by the four images that Midjourney grants you! But, again, each will be different. And most importantly, now there are four novel paths you can choose. If you plan to keep "Zooming-Out" we recommend just picking one "Upscale" each time and see where that takes you!
What is EnterDirecting?
Midjourney wouldn't stop zooming if it was set to run by itself, so a human's intervention is crucial. At Zoom Film Labs, we believe we are in a creative collaboration with the AI-diffusion. Specifically when using the Midjourney's Zoom-Out function, your guidance is certainly required (along with knowing when it's a good time to stop! ).
And when your guidance and direction is meant for Entertainment we call it EnterDirecting!
BTW - "Entertainment" comes from the Latin word "Tenir" which means:
"to hold the rapt attention of a human being for their pleasure, information, or warning."
So now you should be on your second Zoom-Out!
And again you need to select another one of the four choices. Take a close look at all 4 of them. There may be some interesting new nuance that appeared in the upper left corner of one that could reveal more if you zoomed out... But that U4 image has an interesting shape coming in on the right side that could be a person... Should I risk it? Could be cool. Hmmmm... Which to choose ? ? ? ? (Please know that you can always go back and try it again!)
Once all is considered, we recommend three things:
- Only choose one image of the four variations for now (Once you've become more experienced, have fun returning to these images and then branching off on another path!)
- Keep your Zoom x choice consistent (This makes putting them together into a moving Zoom way more easy to manage.)
- Learn to collaborate with Midjourney on its own terms(!)
[Look, you just have to admit that although often wondrous, we have little control over what Midjourney actually gives us. This will certainly change, but just like in life, you have to keep working with what you got. So collaborating with what Midjourney offers you generally works out better and with less frustration for you. Just accept its choices as it accepts yours. Always a little give and take, but with some dedication and persistence you can come up with some really fun trips...!]
So how do you make the Zoom zoom????
At Zoom Labs, we generally use an animated 3D camera rig in Adobe After Effects to build our Zoom filmstrips.
Although we have some preset AE 3D cameras for 1.5x and 2x zooms, we make new ones all the time depending on the --ar setting of the originals. Plus checking and adjusting each frame "transition" is important too because the accuracy between the zoomed-out frames can be a little off sometimes. Generally we stay in After Effects to do all the Time-Remappings, and adding any final VFX touches.
No matter which way you get it done, try to make it pretty straightforward as you create the Tyme Bubble film-strip.
Then have some fun speeding it up, slowing it down, running it backwards, running it forward, whatever suits your images!
And be sure to spend some time rockin' a cool sound design!
A last important note:
As you take a deep-dive (or is a deep fall backwards...?) into making your Zoom films, you'll start to notice some influences from your previous Midjourney conjurings. Even if you decide to close off as many valves of influence that you can using prompt commands, something occasionally sneaks in! Just as with your life, your previous diffusions influence your current desires. This is actually a diffusion of your desires. Which means, of course, your diffusion history will be different than mine and everyone else's diffusion history, no matter what. So your work will always end up being distinctly yours.
So as we continue to generate more weird and wonderful entertainment at Zoom Films, we would be super excited to see what fantastic Zooms you come up with!
To all of our dear visual explorers, adventurers, and experimenters, we wish you the best luck Zooming!
What will you come up with????
ZøøM Films
Custom Zoom - Update
So why is the Midjourney's Zoom-Out function only limited to somewhere between 1x and 2x (or 100% or 200%)?
Truth is Midjourney could much more easily Zoom-Out more than 2x, but it would be harder to conjure coherent content.
So 2x is a fair amount for now.
What about less than 1x?
That would essentially be a "Zoom-In". With all the AI-based uprezzing available, something like this could be possible. Could even be a real lens change or 3D camera move. Although strangely feasible, unlikely to be available soon. But we'll keep an eye out (or in)!
Any cool things you'd like to share or discuss???
Please Comment, Like, or Subscribe on our YouTube channel:
And/or send us an email. Connect with Zoom Films! >